
The Bloony Story - A Sneak Peak Into the Life Of Bloony

The Bloony Story - A Sneak Peak Into the Life Of Bloony

bloony bloony book bloony story book publishing hollwood fact or fiction Authored By Tadd Miller

Growing up was interesting. As I write these Bloony stories and publish different books, you'll grow with Bloony. These stories are built around actual events of my life. Here's a quick read with much more to come.  PART 1: The Day That I Met Bloony MEG'S PERSPECTIVE:It all started back in 1998. The most remarkable kid in the world lived down the street from me, his name was Bloony. We met that summer when he walked by my house and saw that my lawn mower wouldn't start. He didn't know anything about lawn mowers but he insisted to stay until I...

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Bloony Stories Will Be Released This Year

Bloony Stories Will Be Released This Year

Bloony books are coming. Some will be suitable for all ages, but not ALL of the books will be for all ages. This year I will release a short story called "Bloony" it’ll be an introduction into the world of Bloony, along with another book "Bloony Floats Christmas" Here's a rough draft of a larger novel that the short stories will be pulled from. I will eventually release a complete novel but the shorts will be first. These stories will be based on my actual life along with some fiction. Here's a snippet of the Bloony intro: PART 1: The...

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Is an art piece ever done? Are you satisfied?

Is an art piece ever done? Are you satisfied?

Authored By Tadd Miller

I talk with artist time to time and the same comment comes up. “My piece is ready to go to the client but I wanted more time on it!” Another common phrase is “Do you like the way that your painting came out? Are you satisfied with the piece?” As an artist, the answer is, yes. I’m always satisfied with my work. The most satisfying part about being an artist is the fact that you get to bring your idea to life. We see things coming together long before it hits the canvas. My favorite and most satisfying part is...

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It's Bloony! Wait, Who is Bloony?

It's Bloony! Wait, Who is Bloony?

blog Authored By Tadd Miller

Bloony? What is Bloony? Bloony is a character that I created. He's the signature element in all of my work. I wanted to have a character with an adventurous element. I created Bloony to create a relationship between the viewer and my work. Bloony and his balloon will make you think. You’ll start to wonder “What is important between the artist and this piece? What's going through Bloony's mind? Does the mood of the painting and the color of Bloony's balloon mean anything?” I'll place hints or let the art pieces be deciphered by others to make sense of Bloony’s...

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