
Bloony Stories Will Be Released This Year

Bloony Stories Will Be Released This Year

Authored By Tadd Miller

Bloony books are coming. Some will be suitable for all ages, but not ALL of the books will be for all ages. This year I will release a short story called "Bloony" it’ll be an introduction into the world of Bloony, along with another book "Bloony Floats Christmas" Here's a rough draft of a larger novel that the short stories will be pulled from. I will eventually release a complete novel but the shorts will be first. These stories will be based on my actual life along with some fiction. Here's a snippet of the Bloony intro:

PART 1: The Day That I Met Bloony

Meg is the narrator:

MEG: (It all started back in 1992. The nicest, most remarkable kid in the world lived down the street from me. We met that summer when he walked by my house and saw that my lawn mower wouldn't start. He didn't know anything about lawn mowers but he insisted to stay until I got it started. We took turns pulling the starter rope. Both of our hands were pretty raw but it finally fired up. He was ecstatic about it. He mowed the whole damn lawn. The engine came to a halt. 

BLOONY: I haven’t ever mowed a lawn before, because I have lived in apartments with my mom my entire life. It always seemed like it would be fun, I was way wrong. (Smirks)

MEG's POV: (I laughed) Yeah I'm glad that you showed up! I'm not a fan of mowing lawns either.

BLOONY: I'll see you around.

SCENE ACTION: (Bloony starts to walk away.)

MEG: (I turned around and looked back at him.) Hey thanks for your help! My dad would've killed me if I didn't get this done before he got home. You never told me your name?

SCENE ACTION: (Bloony turned around to face Meg.)

BLOONY: They call me Bloony.

MEG: Cool name!
(I was itching to know why he only lived with his mom.) So you live with your mom huh? Where's your dad?

BLOONY: He was one of the good ones I hear, the good die young. I never met him but I wish I could have.

MEG: I am so sorry, I couldn't imagine not having my dad. I'm sorry for asking.

BLOONY: No, don't worry about it. It's a question that's understandable

SCENE ACTION: (Bloony pulls out a balloon from his pocket)

BLOONY: My dad left this at the hospital with my mom on the day that I was born. It was the last thing that he bought before he tragically passed. He went to help a friend who ran out of gas on his way to the hospital the day that I came into this world. He was hit by a drunk driver as he was pouring gas into his friends gas tank. Of course my dad had to go help him. That's what he always did when people called him, so that’s what I’ve been told. He always helped everyone anytime that they needed it. Anyway, I hang on to it to always remember him. For some reason, in the middle of all of the chaos in our lives, this color changing balloon always makes me feel like I can do anything. Its my safety net. It brings me comfort. We don't have much but this balloon makes me feel whole. That probably seems weird, huh?

MEG: No, not at all. I think it's pretty cool that you hold that close to you. It also answered my question about your name. It was nice to meet you. Thanks for mowing my lawn. I owe ya, Bloony.

BLOONY: Ha, you don't owe me anything. It was on my bucket list.

MEG: (I laughed and he let out a chuckle as he faded away under the street lights.)


                                                                                   --NEXT SCENE—

                                                                         NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL

SCENE ACTION: First day of school-The lunch room. (Bloony takes his lunch tray and sits down at a table by himself. Meg is at the other end of the table. She slides down to get next to Bloony. He doesn't notice that she's there. She picks up Bloony's pizza form his lunch tray) 

MEG: "You owe me this pizza for the lawn mowing job that you did. My dad really gave me a hard time after we got done. (I laughed to let him know I was giving him a hard time.)


Hopefully that left you wanted to hear a bit more but I will be creating many short stories. I don't have an exact launch date yet but I will soon. Keep checking back for more on my art and Bloony updates!

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