Bloony and Me


Hey! Welcome to my world of art. My name is Tadd Miller. I was born and raised in Portland Oregon. If you aren't familiar with Portland, I'll sum it up for you. It's a combination of Halloweentown, a mosh pit and a Bob Ross painting all in one. It rains a lot here. You can hear people begging for it to stop. It may just be my own echo, but I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm more of a palm trees and sunshine sort of person, but this is where all of my family lives so I continue to stay. I grew up in a pretty large family. I played almost every sport that was offered in my area. I used to be a gamer early on in life (If anyone wants to take me on in Mortal Kombat 1,2 or 3 let me know!) Although sports and video games were a big part of my life, none of it compared to art.


Art has always been my getaway. It allows me to shut out everything and escape to the ideas in my head to bring them to the world. I discovered my love for art at a young age. I grew up thinking that if I can draw then everyone can draw. I watched as my friends who drew stick figures in 2nd grade, they also drew the same looking stick figures in 6th grade. I would think, are they messing around or are they seriously trying? Well come to find out, being able to draw isn't a natural ability for everyone. I never really thought much about my "gift" to draw and create because it came so natural. I would brush off compliments when people would rant and rave about my art. I just never realized what I had. After high school, I knew that I wouldn't be able to afford college. I jumped into a job that had no creative aspect. I was making a mediocre living and I absolutely hated it. Many years later, I finally decided to showcase my art and put it out for everyone to see. I developed a style that I enjoy. A lot of my work is inspired by the 80s and 90s. These were the decades that built me. Pop art is my preferred style so I make sure that every piece is flooded with bright and bold colors, along with Bloony and his adventures.


Bloony? What is Bloony? Bloony is a characater. He's the signature element in all of my paintings. I wanted to have a signature look with an adventurous element. I guess you can say that I live vicariously through the scenes that I put him in. I also get to relive those scenes since many of them reflect my actual life. Bloony is a wanderer, an adventurous,cool soul. When he was told that he wouldn't amount to anything, he set off to float the world and attempt everything.

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